Senior Software Engineer

CCP 21. Feb 2017 Fullt starf

EVE Online is a single sharded MMO which gives unique and interesting technical challenges when it comes to scale.


  • developing new features in a cross functional team with primary focus on maintaining and enhancing the EVE Online database
  • assisting other developers with their SQL needs

Requirements and experience

  • Years of experience with higher level programming language
  • Able to work with a cross functional team to deliver features
  • Years of experience with SQL databases
  • Able to recognize SQL queries that will yield bad query plans
  • Ability to teach and mentor more junior developers.
  • Ability to tell other developers that their SQL code sucks, but in a nice way so not everybody hates you
  • Willingness to look at a decade old code and improve it

Bonus Points

  • Love of automated tests
  • Love of clean code
  • Python knowledge

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